Adoption Application
Adoption Application
Our Adoption Policy
When you come to us to adopt a pet, you have to understand that Sullivan County SPCA reserves the right to deny an adoption for any reason. We care deeply for our animals and want to ensure that they go to homes that can provide them with the love they need. Only our shelter manager can approve animals for adoption or fostering.
The adoption process is not instant, it takes time for us to properly vet potential pet owners and handle all of the requirements. You may not be able to take home your pet the first day you come to the shelter and meet them, especially on the weekends.
If you are interested in adopting one of our animals, we have a few requirements you must comply with before you can take home your new pet. We request that you be able to provide a valid photo I.D. with your current address.
If your I.D. does not reflect your current address you can bring a piece of mail with your name and address on it. Additionally, you must be able to prove that you can have a pet in your residence through proof of homeownership or a copy of your rental lease that includes the specific pet policy.
Our Adoption Process
Complete an adoption application.
Please allow 24 hours for your application to be processed. After 24 hours, please follow up by phone: 845-796-3120.
If your application is approved, you may schedule an appointment to visit the shelter.
Approved adopters are also invited to visit a private Facebook page where photos of adoptable animals are posted.
Adoption Fees
Due to the ever-changing cost of care, transportation, and medication, adoption fees are subject to change. The cost of adoption can also vary depending on the age and breed of each animal. Please contact the SPCA directly to inquire about current fees.
How to Choose a Dog
When selecting your loyal companion, you should consider the following questions:

How to Choose a Cat
If you are interested in adopting an adorable kitten, think of the following questions before you do:
When looking for a feline companion, you should focus on personality and behavior. It is tempting to choose the youngest kitten or the one with the most striking coat, but the initial cuteness may wear off quickly if you and your new friend are not matched well.
Do you want a cat to follow you around, sit in your lap, and need a lot of attention? Or, do you want a cat that is independent and can keep busy or remain content without your constant affection?
If the human members of your family are young, say under 12, try to avoid cats that are skittish or easily startled by noises and activity. Though kittens are cute and playful, they are not always good matches for households with young children (say under 7).
Kittens are fragile physically and need very consistent and gentle handling. Bringing together young animals and kids can be problematic, as kittens exhibit playful nipping and scratching, which can injure or frighten children. And children can inadvertently be too rough with young animals. Adopting a mature pet who interacts well with kids can be the best option.
If you have a dog, you should choose a cat that is confident and has experience with dogs. Avoid cats that are timid, disabled, or declawed. Make sure you have the time and space to introduce the two gradually. You should also be willing to make practical changes to your environment as needed, such as blocking your dog’s access to the litter box and installing safety gates.
If you already have a cat, it is best to match temperament and age group. It is important to realize that no matter who you decide upon, it will take time and space to separate the cats, in order to make gradual introductions. Cats are territorial animals, and often take weeks or months to adjust to another cat in their space.
Are you home a lot, or gone all day? If you are gone all day, a young kitten or a needy cat is not the best match. Behavior problems (such as biting, scratching, and destructive behavior) are common if cats are under-stimulated. Kittens need someone who has enough time each day to spend with them during their important developmental months. A more independent temperament may suit your lifestyle better.
You could also think about getting two cats instead of one, so they can provide stimulation and company for each other. An excellent option is to adopt cats that have come into the shelter as a pair, and have a history of getting along well. If you often have company over, you would do well choosing an outgoing cat who will enjoy the extra attention.
A shy cat would be overwhelmed by lots of social gatherings, and would likely hide. Young cats require more supervision, training, and visits to the veterinarian. If you have a busy schedule, are an inexperienced pet owner, or have young children, you should consider adopting an adult cat.
The Sullivan County SPCA staff can help match you with the right cat. We welcome a shelter visit to discuss the adoption process prior to choosing a cat. We want your adoption to be a success and provide you with a wonderful companion for years to come!

When looking for a canine companion; you should focus on the personality, behavior, and overall maintenance level of the dog. It is tempting to choose the youngest pup or the one with the most striking coat, but the initial cuteness may wear off quickly if you and your new friend are not matched well.
Do you want a dog to follow you around and shadow everything you do? Or, do you want a dog that is independent and can keep busy or remain content without your constant entertainment? If you already have pets, it is very important to choose a dog that will be compatible with them as well. We can help with dog meetings to get your pooch’s approval!
If you are an active person who loves to run, hike, and go to the park, then chances are we have several dogs for you! If you are a couch potato, then that’s okay too, but be sure to pick a pooch that will be content watching the tube with you. Otherwise, your friend may end up bouncing off the walls and being destructive from boredom.
You should choose a pet that fits into your current lifestyle. If you plan to start running, though you never have, it is not a good idea to pick a super-active dog for your motivation. You may end up very frustrated and overwhelmed. Considering exercise requirements is essential in finding the right match!
Do you have a preference for a particular size of dog? Remember that most puppies will grow to be large and shelter pups are usually of mixed breeds, so there is no guarantee as to what their full-grown size may be. Are you prepared to keep a dog that may grow larger than your expectations?
If not, you should consider choosing a dog that is already full-grown. Also, many people say that dogs seem larger running around their home than they appeared to be in the shelter setting. What size of dog do you want romping around your home?
Young dogs require more supervision, training, and visits to the veterinarian. If you have a busy schedule, are an inexperienced pet owner, or have young children, you should consider adopting an adult dog. Bringing together young animals and kids can be problematic.
Puppies can exhibit playful nipping and scratching, which can injure or frighten children and children can inadvertently be too rough with young animals. Adopting a mature pet who interacts well with kids can be the best option. Puppies also need someone who has enough time each day to spend with them during their important developmental months.
The Sullivan County SPCA staff can help match you with the right dog. They have valuable information to share that can determine which dogs will be most compatible with you and your household.
The staff can help match you with the right dog. We welcome a shelter visit to discuss the adoption process prior to choosing a dog. We want your adoption to be a success and provide you with a wonderful companion for years to come!